Lift, Gamma, Gain are the three-way color corrector collectively. I've mentioned previously the three-way color corrector in DaVinci Resolve, well, that's what these are. Now that we're in the Color tab, what I want to do is come down and, where it says Primary Bars, by default, this seems to be where Resolve is opening right now, so what I'd like to do is come down and select Primary Wheels, because I want to start with the wheels before we get to the sliders.

I'll press shift + 6 to get into the Color tab, and if my workspace doesn't look like your workspace, come up here to Workspace, Layoout, and reset your UI Layout. Keep in mind this is only how the controls 'feel' to the user and the default ranges they work in. The primary log colour controls work better for log encoded footage and ACES grading. I'm going to sort by name and jump down, and we're going to start in Chapter 8, Primary Corrections, for those of you who are following along with the exercise files. The primary colour controls were originally designed for telecine film transfer to analog or rec601. Now, to get started, I'm in the Project Manager. A massively powerful professional video production application, DaVinci Resolve includes all the cutting, keyframing, color grading, and audio tools pros want. We're going to start our discussion of these big, honking primary corrections by exploring the Offset control.